FAN FEATURE: Damiya & Lynessa

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tell us a little about yourself and your daughter: 
I’m a full time nursing student and and also work to support my beautiful daughters. I taught myself how to do hair because we live in a small town where there are no “ethnic” hair shops and I wanted to be able to take care of my daughters’ hair by myself without having to rely on other people. I would love to be able to do more with their hair more often but can only work it into our schedules every few weeks.

Lynessa (3), Mommy Heather, & Damiya (5)

What is your daughters current hair routine like?
We use Palmers Olive Oil shampoo and conditioner. For styling, we use either regular gel or the mix introduced by MiMi Braids of Gorilla Snot and Lets Jam. We just ordered the Bee Mine Curly Butter and are anxious to try it. I don’t band either head of hair and usually don’t remember to put on a hair wrap at night.

What are your favorite products to use? 
I actually used a mixture posted by MiMi Braids on the last hair style and it worked great on the cornrows.

Have you ever used chemicals or heat in your daughters hair?
NO CHEMICALS! I have straightened it with my CHI iron once but didn’t get the results I wanted so haven’t ever tried again.

How did you learn to care for your daughters hair?
Pretty much trial and error. I have a whole cabinet of hair care products that I’ve tried and either liked or never used again, unfortunately.

Was there anything you really struggled with learning about caring for or styling your daughters hair? Anything your still trying to or looking forward to mastering?
I’m a SUPER neat freak and don’t claim to be creative; therefore, it tends to be hard for me to come up with new styles because I like things to be very asymmetrical.

What was the worst advice you have been given about hair care?
Honestly, no one has really ever given me any advice. As I said, I taught myself pretty much everything I know.

Any tips for our readers?
Practice makes perfect! Also, don’t be afraid to do a little research and ask people questions about their or their children’s hair if curious.


Thanks for sharing with us Heather! I definitely see a few styles I plan on trying ;)

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